Mox Blog

Why CPG Brands Need Project Dashboards

Written by Mox | May 10, 2022

Project dashboards serve as a visual representation of your team’s projects, processes, and their associated statuses. Why is this important? Because, for example, if you work in marketing, packaging, or branding, you likely manage several SKUs, campaigns, and assets. With a properly constructed dashboard, in one glance you can see where each project is in your pipeline, what’s left to do, and which employee is assigned to each task. So, let’s get into it.

Why is this Best Done Digitally? 

A digital solution provides customizable templates for creating dashboards tailored to your brand’s specific needs. Need to track your KPIs? Check. Managing various artwork and label changes? Check. Developing multiple products and sending them to market? Check again. Do you see a pattern here? If so, great. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds because every software solution is not created equally. One may work better for your team’s projects than another. How do you know which software will best meet your needs?

Features to Look for in a Software Solution 

What goes into creating the shopping list for your project software solution? Here are a few things to consider. 

User Interface & Experience 

The user interface and experience (UI/UX) is the look and feel of your software solution - the interaction your teams have with the software as they perform their functions. The better the experience, the more likely your team will adopt the new software, and by proxy, new ways of doing things. To increase user adoption, the software needs to be intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to use.


Customizability is key. Your brand is unique. Your team is unique. Your software should reflect that. You need the freedom within your digital solution to create a project dashboard that speaks to what your brand, team, and product or service does. However, not all software solutions allow for customizability without upgrading to a more expensive plan.


You likely already have other digital systems in place. Will your new solution play nicely with them? Understanding the integration and API capabilities is important to determine whether the new software will fit with your existing technology stack. You want seamless communication between each system to avoid creating a glitch in your current processes. Remember, the goal is always for technology to make our lives better! Digital solutions should simplify your job, not complicate it.


Every company has its own way of keeping a metric scorecard. Metrics indicate how successful your products, content, and assets are. Digital solutions make doing so simpler. They allow you to see where your process lacks efficiency. The bottom line is project dashboards help you visualize where each project is, what’s happening with each KPI, and how well you’re performing as a team and as a company. 

The Intangibles 

We’ve talked a lot about efficiency. But what does that really mean in this context? In other words, how do you sell this software to the powers that be? 

Save Time and Energy

Save time and energy when searching for information, content, or assets. Your project dashboard houses all your information in one location so you can take one look at a project and know where everything is.

Foster Collaboration 

Collaborate more, mess up less. Project dashboards track your content, communications, and KPIs in a central location, helping you avoid bottlenecks and smoothing your way to market quickly. 

Meet Deadlines

Project dashboards don’t just increase your team’s efficiency, they increase accountability as well. With your projects laid out, information easily accessible, and tasks assigned to each employee, meeting your deadlines is easier than ever before.

Get Organized 

Project dashboards create organization and ensure you’re always working on up-to-date content, communicating with the necessary stakeholders, and minimizing back and forth emails about each project.  

Mox by Esko for Brands 

Create project dashboards and more with Mox, an end-to-end transformative workspace for CPG brands. Mox helps you organize the workflow for brand, marketing, and packaging projects so everyone is connected, informed, and empowered.

Mox is for packaging-centric consumer product brands who need to create, manage, and distribute product content, meeting the increasing demand of a highly competitive environment. 

  Mox is pretty darn impressive! We wager Mox will make you look pretty darn impressive too.   

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